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Ways to Restart Your Healthy Habits in March


Everyone starts strong in the new year on their fitness goals, but our fitness goals are often forgotten as spring rolls around. But as you begin to sweep up, vacuum, polish and tidy around your home, think about taking this time also to spring clean your health. Resetting your health habits means you are giving yourself a chance to start over and reflecting on the areas you need further improvement. Today, we have a few ways you may want to refresh your health: 

  • Eat a healthier breakfast.

What better way to start the day than with a healthy breakfast? Having something nutritious in the morning gives you natural energy while also giving you a positive step forward, knowing you’ve started your day right. Soon, you’ll want to follow up your breakfast with a healthy snack. Remember, good habits build on each other.

  • Limit on your meals purchased on the outside.

If you tend to grab to-go or delivery from your local restaurant regularly, or even you are one of the lucky few who can eat in a restaurant lately, it’s time to take a break. While it’s tempting to use this time to support local businesses, the truth is that many meals from restaurants contain too many calories and have no portion control.  

  • Go for a walk.

Many of us work from home, which means we are spending too much of our time seated. So, for your lunch break, don a mask and go for a walk around your neighborhood. Or better yet, recruit your family members, life partners, or roommates to walk with you after work and school. You can take the time to have a good conversation while getting healthy together.

  • Change your mindset.

Did you start this year wanting to lose 20 pounds? Or to run a marathon? It could be that your approach to your goals the wrong. It’s great to want to lose weight, build endurance, and develop good exercise habits. However, you may be tripping yourself up with how you approached your goal. So, instead of a specific weight loss number, consider adding in the typical small habit, such as exercising 20 minutes every day, and build from there.

  • Spring clean your surroundings. 

Often we are guilty of getting in our way. Take a good hard look at what surrounds you and see if it supports your goals. Remove unhealthy foods completely. Chips might be tempting, but they aren’t nearly as compelling if they aren’t in your home at all. As you search for ways to improve your healthy habits, remain positive. Getting healthy is a marathon, not a race. So you may have slipped a few times over the last few weeks, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to start again. Here at Forgept, we want to support your goals, so contact us for our personal training and nutritional coaching.

Picture of <h6 style="color:#00B8CB";>MICHAEL S. PARKER</h6> <h6 style="color:#54595F";>FOUNDER</h5><h6 style="color:#070707";>CPT, NASM, NESTA, FMS

Author and educator Michael S. Parker has worked as a fitness professional and executive-level manager for over two decades. He has earned multiple credentials from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association, and the Spencer Institute. He is a Certified Master Personal Trainer, Lifestyle & Weight Management Coach, and Functional Movement Specialist and former College instructor for Advanced Fitness and Nutrition Sciences with Bryan University.


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