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Serving Over 34 Countries?


Yes, it’s true – when you look at our landing page, you can see that we operate all over the world.

We have clients in the U.S. and Canada, as well as far beyond North America. We have clients in Australia and New Zealand, “down under” in the southern hemisphere. We have clients in Russia, where the really tough guys like to use kettlebells to work out.

We also have clients in places like Argentina and South Africa. To really get to all of our service areas, you’d have to take a trip around the world, hopefully not on a hot air balloon, but on a modern aircraft!

So what do people like about our personal coaching and fitness services?

Practicing with Integrity

One of the things that has allowed us to build this business so well is detailed in our code of ethics online, where we talk about the values that we have as a business.

Personal training and coaching is a very personal industry. It’s right in the name. With that in mind, it’s important to develop the right relationships, and those most often rely on a clear professionalism and knowledge base, where the person who’s seeking our services feels like they’re really getting something for their money.

With the proper approach and professional eye toward fitness training and more, we provide those rejuvenating and renovating services that help people to develop good daily habits that change their lives in so many ways. The result is proof that our systems work, that we have done the work of finding authoritative resources, so that our clients’ efforts are ultimately rewarded. 

Diet and Fitness

Then, of course, we have the combined approach of offering top-class fitness and exercise training with our nutritional advice given by Anna Bartholemy, who is a registered dietitian and a certified personal trainer. A look at Anna’s credentials and experience shows our commitment to investing in education. Anna’s degree in Nutrition & Dietetics from Oregon State University and supervised practice program at Montana State University is part of what we build our business on. She also has years of experience in the wellness industry, for example, as a leading instructor for the National Diabetes Prevention Program, and as a clinical dietitian at the Iris House Women’s HIV Center.

We believe very strongly that you can’t neglect diet when you’re talking about overall personal health and wellness, as well as fitness goals. All of this is what we bring together to serve our client base and help each one of our clients to achieve their goals!

Picture of <h6 style="color:#00B8CB";>MICHAEL S. PARKER</h6> <h6 style="color:#54595F";>FOUNDER</h5><h6 style="color:#070707";>CPT, NASM, NESTA, FMS

Author and educator Michael S. Parker has worked as a fitness professional and executive-level manager for over two decades. He has earned multiple credentials from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association, and the Spencer Institute. He is a Certified Master Personal Trainer, Lifestyle & Weight Management Coach, and Functional Movement Specialist and former College instructor for Advanced Fitness and Nutrition Sciences with Bryan University.


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